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Monday, June 27, 2011

Wedding Anniversary, tree lopping and road repairs...

Hello moover and groovers;  

Louie here and just to start the blog off with a bit of a laugh, that's Guru Lou below doing my cane toad impersonation!   It was our wedding anniversary, and after a very so-so lunch at Peppers on Blue in Nelly Bay, (15.6.11)  we decided to repair to the coffee shop at Arcardia and indulge in some very good gelato.    

Why a so-so lunch you ask?  Well the service was well below par, considering the place had only 3 tables for lunch including us.  The waiter (who looked about 12)  gave us water glasses, but no water (I fetched a jug from the bar) and the shared entree had no side plates or plates of any sort until I grabbed some from the back of the brekky bar.  Slack!  Ah well, they won't get our patronage again.  

OK enough whining from me!  Weather = beautiful at the moment; its 24c today and sunny, but the nights are cool - 9c last night - and early mornings are about 12c or so;  you can easily spot the tourists here  - they are wearing shorts and bikini tops and the locals are in long sleeves and tracky pants.  I'm told that after a hot summer here, I will feel that 24c is akin to arctic weather and will be dressed like a local in 'winter clothes'.

Sorry for not blogging b4 this, but the net has been well S-l-o-w  here and it was taking absolutely ages to upload photos, so I decided to wait until it sped up.   Which I hope is Now...

Now as I said a few blogs ago, we are seriously looking to buy a home and not build one (it costs about the same) plus we are out of the hair of Matt's folks; living under their house is fine, but like the old saying goes "fish and house guests stink after 3 days", and we arrived on 2nd April!  

Me outside the Arcardia Hotel 15.6.11

So Matt and one of our neighbours, Ted, have been clearing our block of land in preparation of putting it on the real estate market.  But the dreaded Cyclone Yazi had done its worst, and knocked over several of the trees on our block;  We managed to get them chopped down, but the last 1 metre or so of the trees remained on the land, and if we want to sell it, they have to go.

So with steely determination, Ted and Matt decided to tackle the bloodwood stump on the land.  Ted used his trusty chainsaw, but could not fell the beastie;  they used wedges and chocks and after about 4 hours of solid digging, heaving and sawing, (and with my whole 55kg pushing hard while Ted pulled) we had the thing out of the ground.  A huge effort by all.  The block looks fab now as we got the stumps pulled out with an excavator.

the dreaded stump with the wedges in;  17.6.11; Ted and Matt

Nearly there!

After 4 hours of digging and cutting; success!

On our way to our favourite beach, Florence, we noticed the road has come into very bad repair; we know as our back axle on our little Charade car practically broke when Matt was driving there about 10 days ago;  Now being the pro active power couple we are, we grabbed a shovel and bucket on our next visit and attempted some repairs using some gravel that was nearby; much to the amusement of the tourists and local driving by.

Here is Matt hard at road repairs on road to Flo Beach 19.6.11- sadly they only lasted a few days.

Sad news; our lovely gym at the end of the road in the resort, is no more;  apparently some dispute with the current leaseholders, and someone came and took out all the equipment!  Bugger!  So we are now bushwalking to keep the fitness levels up and we shall look to buy our own weight set in the future...

We also have became couch potatoes in the last few weeks.  We have been watching the old 1976 TV Series 'I, Claudius' starring Derek Jacobi and John Hurt;  I saw it in the UK back in 76, but thanks to the torrence sharing web sites on the Net, our chum Al passed it on to us, knowing how much I loved it.  Matt had never seen it before, and peoples, if you get a chance do view it, its absolutely stellar TV. (Matt loved it.)

We did a today (27.6.11) a 5 km bush walk from Nelly Bay to Arcadia and back and I feel nackered to say the least.  

Shall close now,  we are still have irons in the fire re a house in Horseshoe Bay, but again, I am being cautious until I can say more...   my readers will be the first to know, but things look good so far...


Sunday, June 12, 2011

June adventures continued...

hello blog readers 

Not much again to report from here on Maggie; Yesterday I went into Townsville to get my hair done at Beck Jane West Salon in Denham Street; Beck is the best!  I walked in with my roots in a terrible state, and after an hour or so, she had worked her magic, and I walked out looking fab...  I then did a quick round of the shops in the new mall that is being slowly opened up and then realising it was just gone 4.10pm I decided I could make it to the 4.30pm ferry and the terminal if I briskly walked... Wrong!  I saw that at 4.25pm that time was running out, so I started doing that - running!  But I was way too slow off the mark and just as I arrived the boarding gates closed.  What was annoying was that the ferry sat there for a few minutes before taking off -  although jumping over the barrier and trying to get on the damn thing did cross my mind.  Then I thought that holding 2 shopping bags while attempting such a manouvre in a tight skirt would so NOT be a good look.  So... I heaved a sigh of resignation, and sat down and awaited the next ferry at 5.20pm.  It was dark by the time I arrived home at 6pm and Matt was beginning to think I had been captured by Martians.   There is one downfall to living here I have found, and that is the ferry service.  Don't get me wrong, its good, but expensive, its about $9.00 one way, and they run about every 45 minutes; and of course, there is no alternative!  I could swim or try and persuade someone with a boat to take me on the 20min crossing, but I doubt if either option could be realised.   
Matt says my swimming style is like a brick.

It is actually on the cool/cold side today, (sat 11.6.11) and I woke up about 3am pulling the big blanket we have over myself and Matt, making it a 2 blanket night when usually only a sheet does the job...

It absolutely pissed down about 1030pm last night and today the cloud has continued over the island like a big grey felt hat.  So we decided after brekky that a walk to Arcadia via the walking track would be a good idea of a cool, cloudy day.

View from walk to Nelly Bay to Arcadia; 11.6.11 

Did I mention that the walk in total is about 10km?  Hey, no prob as we have been bushwalking a-plenty on our trip around Australia... But that was a few months ago and my legs begin to protest after about 20 mins or so of fast walking, and they absolutely howl like a striking waterfront worker when I attempt the medium grade walking track.  I realise I need to up the ante the next time I go to the gym - which Matt has also joined by the way.  We have both become a bit 'teddy' after that 9 months in the campervan.

After lunch and coffee, we go and have a look at the local wildlife; rock wallabies: Note to the B52 fans among you; I'm sure a song called Rock Wallaby could be just as big as 'Rock Lobster' was?  If anyone reading is good with lyrics, you heard the idea from me first and I'll expect 10% royalties - OK?

some of the local rock wallabies having a feed; 11.6.11

Walking back along the main road I had to take a picture of this sign outside the Arcadia Pub;  this is what the locals do on Maggie Island for fun...

I have to admit I have been to the toad races years ago, and its good fun;  11.6.11

OK Amigos;  nearly time for me to go...

 Just one more handy hint from Guru Lou - this one is for the ladies... Girls; does your jewellery case/ drawer/ box look like an ugly tangled mess?  I have the answer - do what I did and next time you are in the bank, ask them for some zip lock money plastic wallets (say you have loose coins you want to sort out). 

The good thing about getting these is that they are FREE - (my second favourite F Word)!  If you want you can buy the zip lock Glad sandwich bags for kids lunches (small size).  I also grab a handful of those plastic bags on the rolls at the supermarket veggie section and I use them for all sort of things, but that's another story and I am digressing...

 Grab a handful of bags and grab your jewellery;  sift through the turmoil, and put every single piece into its own bag;  this is best done when watching a movie, with a glass of red, in front of the TV.
Now, when you have done this, edit further;  Do what I did; I got some 30cm or so boxes that have had some face stuff and other products in,  and into these I sort one box for bracelets, one for earrings, one for necklaces, and one for brooches; (all contents in the plastic bank pouches).  Now what I do is have these boxes on my dressing table for ease of use, but they can be put into drawers and used.  You now can put your bling on easily... No more fumbling around;  everything is on view and trust me, it makes getting ready to go out a breeze...

adios amigos;  louise

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The moon in June - 2011

dear discerning readers of the blogosphere...

sorry for not sending out a blog earlier than this; we are running around looking at houses after deciding that building was going to be more expensive that buying; and wow! have we seen some god damn awful places for sale;  talk about where the old Laminex goes to die...  But we may have found what we want.  Just a qualifier for those of you who don't know me that well. I so try not to be a person who says 'I'm doing this or that' without following through with the deed.  Like my dear old dad used to say, 'don't open your gob and just let your stomach rumble'.   

Sooo....  please bear with me, and I hope to have some good news on the home front by the end of the week or next week if all goes to plan.

But I'll just keep you abreast of what we have been doing lately.

On Sat 4th June Matt and I were sitting on Florence Beach when we saw a lady with a paper sack picking up the rubbish;  we got chatting and her name is Heather and she volunteers to clean up the beaches on Maggie Island; Bless!  So while Matt went for a swim I joined her and we picked up loads of junk;  so many thongs (shoes for the UK readers) were washed up probably from the Cyclone? (if we found knickers I would be really amazed) - so we bagged them, but of course there was only one of each pair...

Heather with our bag of junk we found on florence beach; 4.6.11

Here's me with the same!  4.6.11

It was World Ocean Day also last saturday and we met some marine biologists at Arcadia beach earlier who were absolutely fascinating to talk to.  
After this effort we decided to go into town to see 'X Men -First Class' which was good;  special effects were excellent and Kevin Bacon plays a bastard which is not a role he normally does, but he does it very well I have to say.  

Matt was able to catch up with some old pals from his youth who were over on maggie island for a 40th Birthday bash; We met them on Florence Beach on Sunday 5th, there was about 10 of them including children and we all had a lovely time making swimming pools in the sand and filling them with sea water;  yeah  - ok,  I know, I am easily amused!  Interestingly, these kids actually took to me,which is odd;  I always say "Dogs love me, but children run away screaming."  (Must be the new LouLou perfume I was wearing that day....)

Also on Sunday was a FAB garage sale at the end of the street in the medical centre;  I grabbed some bargains for Ebay (or She-bay as my pal Carmen calls it) which I shall list soon.

Matt kindly took me to lunch today (Tues 7.6.11) to Nudies Mexican at Horseshoe Beach; which serves up a mean nachos which we shared.

Noodies Mexican Restaurant  Horseshoe bay; 7.6.2011

Then we took a walk along Horseshoe beach which is opposite Noodies to find this lovely but alarming sign...

Beware of the deadly jellyfish!  scary eh? 

Those irakandji jellyfish are a bastard; they are only the size of a 20c coin and are practically invisible;  Not often fatal, but an American tourist did die from a sting from one about 7 or 8 years ago.   Fortunately opposite this sign was a netted enclosed swimming area with lifeguards.  My feeling was that this sign was to scare the pants off any tourists, so that the enclosure got used... I have to tell you that the stinger 'season' is from October to may, so by now they will find the water a bit too cold?  (It was 27c sitting on the beach today, so what a stinger finds as cold I have no idea!)

We have also been visiting Matt's Nana Joy who was pictured in an earlier blog, and taking her dog Rusty for walks.  The dog absolutely dotes on Matt, realising I think that one day he will be with us, (Joy is 91 but still going strong).

Not much else exciting I can think off so I shall close now and post again later on next week.

you can also check out 

if you want to see more of what our little island has to offer...

adios amigos!  Louise